Pretty safe to say that our first event was a success. Didnt really take a count, but i figure we had 50 or 60 people total. Thanks to all who helped and especially to Eastern Boarder for providing T shirts and stickers to give away.
Congrats to David Nott for winning our contest. Hopefully we have a board to give you soon. Josh Mutti killed it as always and Jose Lara probably would have taken the whole thing if he hadn't sprained his ankle mid contest. What is it about late fall skating that makes us kill ourselves?
I was totally lazy about photos and filming. I've got someone lined up to take photo's of future events Ifanyones interested in filming for us contact me at
Hey, there. Awesome day yesterday. Loved getting to see some the skaters. Lots of good skaters yesterday. Got some additional pictures of yesterday that I will post.